ci-stat project in progress

ci-stat is based on circleci_stat developed in Python. The target is to provide a programming lib to fetch test artifacts and analyze the data from both public cloud CI as Travis, Circle and on-premises CI services as Bamboo, Jenkins.

Snip Screen


The target is to maintain a lib which could fetch CI test results from general services.

  • Cloud CI Services:
    • circle (in progress);
    • travis;
  • On-Premise CI Services:
    • Jenkins;
    • Bamboo;
  • Local CI files:
    • Local XUnit file list.

Load XUnit format files to generate the statistics. Another target of current lib is to quickly figure out the high runners of failure cases from the statistic results. Which requests a common XUnit format of test results. Considering the reality, each build could have multiple artifacts in XUnit XML format.
